Administrative/Executive Staff
LEON HOWARD, Interim executive dIRECTOR
Peter G. Simonson, Emeritus executive Director
Noah Bartlett, Director of Finance and Operations
KaRI SUTTON, director of people operations
Jackie Bowers, staff accountant
Age carian, Administrative assistant
Development Staff
Julie Bernard, Director of Philanthropy
Devon stern-powell, development operations coordinator
simone crum, donor relations manager
Jessica molzen, grants manager
Policy Staff
Lena weber-salazar, interim director of public policy
Daniel Williams, Policing policy advocate
Tatiana prieto, Community engagement specialist
Communications Staff
Maria Archuleta, Communications Director
Raychel Sanner, Deputy communications director
carla palacios, Communications Strategist
Legal Staff
Maria Martinez Sanchez, legal director
Rebecca ShefF, Senior Immigrant rights Staff Attorney
Ellie Rushforth, Managing reproductive rights and gender equity Attorney
Preston Sanchez, senior Indigenous Justice Staff Attorney
Jazmyn taitingfong, Attorney - reproductive rights and gender equity
Lalita Moskowitz, Litigation manager
Dakota Rivera, Legal assistant
Job Openings: