Texan couple to fly helicopter into New Mexico for dream wedding

On Tuesday, April 29th, Texas couple Jeff Robertson and Jeremiah Pyant of Houston, TX will board a helicopter in Texas, where marriage for same sex couples is illegal, and cross into New Mexico where the ACLU’s case Greigo v. Oliver established the freedom to marry for same sex couples in December, 2013. Jeff and Jeremiah are one of five couples nationwide selected to receive $5,000 towards the wedding of their dreams as part of the “My Big Gay (Il)legal Wedding” contest, the ACLU’s campaign to raise awareness regarding inequality in states where same-sex marriage is not yet legal.

After meeting on an airplane, the couple catapulted to national awareness when the video of their surprise engagement went viral. Because of Jeremiah's job as a flight attendant, he could literally be recognized as a legally married man one minute—and not the next—as he flies from state to state.
