On July 18, 2019, Otero County Processing Center (OCPC) improperly placed our client Jesus Lorenzo Avila in segregation, in violation of constitutional due process and free speech rights as well as ICE detention standards. Correctional officers falsey accused Mr. Avila of organizing a hunger strike among a group of Indian detainees during religious services, even though he does not even speak an Indian dialect or any common language with the hunger strikers, or attends religious services. Correctional officers also notified Mr. Avila that his placement in segregation was a disciplinary action due to his previous contact with the media. We're calling on OCPC to immediately release our client from segregation and return him to his previous housing placement.

Contact the El Paso Field Office and demand he be released.

Phone: (915) 225-1901/1941

Email: ElPaso.Outreach@ice.dhs.gov