Micah McCoy, Communications Specialist

It's that time of year again: the New Mexico legislative session, where laws are made that affect every person in our state. No other time is more important for you to let your state senators and representatives know what issues you support.
We've seen more bad bills introduced in this legislative session than we have in recent memory, some of which--should they pass--would constitute a serious and possibly permanent blow to civil liberties in New Mexico. We need your help to ensure that this does not happen.
However, there are a few bright spots out there, like SB 152 and SB 151:
Currently, state police in New Mexico are required to ask the immigration status of anyone they arrest. We need to guard against these kinds of policies that diminish public safety and invite racial profiling by passing SB 152, the “No Fear” bill. SB 152 would prohibit police from inquiring into people’s immigration status, reducing racial profiling and ensuring that victims and witnesses of crime are never afraid to ask for help.
When natural disasters struck San Diego and New Orleans, some immigrants reported that emergency responders denied their families emergency relief services because they were undocumented. SB 151 makes this potentially deadly form of discrimination illegal in New Mexico. Emergency service providers should never ask anyone in danger, “Show me your papers.”
Please call your senator today and ask them to support SB 152 and SB 151 to keep our communities safe and stop Arizona-style racial profiling in New Mexico.
Here is a short video tutorial demonstrating how to find your legislator and ask them to support the fundamental rights of New Mexicans:


Here's a sample script for your call:

Hello, my name is [name] and I'm a  constituent of [your senator]. I am calling you today to urge [your senator] to help keep our communities safe by supporting of Senate Bills 152 and 151.
People in New Mexico should never be afraid that contacting the police or emergency services will lead to an inquiry into their immigration status. SB 151 and 152 will help prevent racial profiling and keep our communities safe.
Thank you for your time, and please let [your legislator] know that I support SB 152 and SB 151 and urge [him/her] to do the same in the Senate.

Useful links: